Personal and Group Healing Session
The healing session takes place one-to-one and can be held in person or online. Sessions are often deep, transformative and sometimes even fun! It typically includes other modalities of healing that are used to assist the client to enter into a coherent resonant space with the field of consciousness that is opened up.
The client may be asked to write down, journal or draw what they receive, see or learn through the sessions. Meditation is usually used to guide the client to a brain-wave state of relaxation, in order for the mind and their own soul to synchronize. This part of the session allows the client to receive information directly to themselves, instead of through me.
Each session is unique and the experience or process changes, depending on the person’s individual capacity to open up and perceive the information being shared. The process the client is taken through happens because the Intelligence in the Quantum field and I align. In accessing this space, ie the Quantum field, the resonance is held for the client to also access their greater self. It functions like as if someone is holding a door open to a greater domain of experience. The healing information or process is then unveiled.
The Quantum field of consciousness is also known by different names, for example, Zero-point energy field, Scalar Infinity field, etc. What is important to understand is that we human beings have a greater presence - a greater part of ourselves - that exists in this field. This part of our self also goes by different names, like Soul, Soul-Matrix, Original Blueprint, Higher-Self etc.
The mechanics of healing happens via accessing the Quantum Field and creating a resonance with the person’s own soul / matrix / blueprint, in order to effect the changes that will serve the person’s own life. Because of this connection with the person’s own higher self, the healing and information that comes through in the session is always right for them. I simply opens the portal for the information and healing to flow from the greater to the smaller self.
Aside from what has been mentioned, other technologies or modalities of healing may feature in the session, like aromatherapy, somatic massage, sound therapy and more. Often, the session is recorded as “Light Language” or “Soul Songs” come through, for the individual to continue to connect with their greater self. This is called “Weaving in the Matrix”. The small self is being further connected with this greater self, like threads being woven together. Trauma is what causes the threads to come undone, and healing is what re-weaves them back again.
I am also used to working with clients through long distance, via the phone or even via email exchange. This is a natural process in advanced healing. In this case, the session happens over a longer period of time and requires the client to submit an email with detailed and specific requests, to which I can promptly facilitate the re-weaving. The client only needs to consent to this process in order for the process to take effect. Without consent it is not possible to “re-weave the matrix” of the individual through a session.
For the purposes of “grounding” the information and integrating the changes to the client, sessions or experiences may be recorded. Sometimes I ask for the permission from client to share this content, however all proceedings, be it emails, recordings or any and all exchanged information are 100% confidential and can be deleted upon request.
1hr session 288$ US
2hr session 388$ US