Crystal Bowl Sound & Light Language Alignment
Much of what we now use as the foundations of mathematics, astronomy, architecture and other disciplines, was knowledge developed by past cultures and civilizations. We observe the interconnection between space and the material universe via mathematics as a unitary principle.
In our earth history, we have had the philosophy of Pythagoras, who identified for us the interconnection between astronomy – the life of the planets – with sound and vibration, all operating under mathematical principles, an inherent mathematical order structuring the blueprint of the universe.
It is from this standpoint that we can begin to understand how sonic Healing takes effect on the body as a healing modality. As we can view sounds as a frequency emitted, that travels as waves and lifts or lowers the bodies own vibrating systems.
This is why many cultures around the world use bowls, drums and other instruments to change / control energy, emotions or even material reality.
With sonic healing, I focus on the tool of a Crystal Bowl, tuned to the 432hz frequency of the Heart Chakra, to clear, elevate and empower the cellular and other systems in the biological and emotional body of the client.
Aside from the bowl I also often receive the sound of Light Language, that serves a similar purpose of attuning the body and the matrix of the self, with higher frequencies. They shift the energy mantle, over riding the human ego. They are decipherable into messages from the psyche. This phenomena exists in all spiritual traditions and is now being explained in cymatics by scientific research. Mantras may also be sung and certainly a guided meditation will be used, to take you on a deep and transformative journey within.
1hr session 288$ US
2hr session 388$ US